Worcester Bosch boiler burner fails to start

Hi All,

The burner on my three years old boiler fails to start after several attempts. I have no idea what to do? I would like to mention that I have tried a lot to make it work but nothing works. How can I rectify the problem?



Hi Mark, considering your problem, I would like to share the some useful information including the possible causes and solutions of the problem, which your boiler is facing. I would advise considering the below-given things:

  • Firstly, you can face the mentioned problem which boiler has no power. If it is so, check the control/electrical circuit.
  • Secondly, your boiler’s thermostat is faulty, it is better to check by linking out the high limit & control thermostats temporarily.
  • If control box is faulty, do replace it immediately.
  • If there is a problem of programmer open circuit, you have to check it by joining 8 and 9 on a connector.